When it's low, it creates a sense of emptiness that you may try to fill by clinging to external sources of temporary satisfaction. When this search becomes desperate, repetitive, or automatic, it leads to addiction. Addiction is broadly defined as an attachment to something or someone outside yourself that you believe provides inner satisfaction or relief. Often, this attachment replaces healthy human relationships with a preoccupation with a substance or even an activity and substitutes temporary feelings of control or power for genuine inner confidence and strength.
To counter addiction, focus on building your self-esteem. Developing self-esteem means gaining confidence and strength from within. This allows you to enjoy life fully without relying on external sources to feel okay.
Self-esteem needs to come from within!!!
-Self-esteem is a way of thinking, feeling, and acting that involves accepting, respecting, trusting, and believing in yourself.
-When you respect yourself, you treat yourself well, much like you would treat someone else you respect.
-To believe in yourself means having the confidence that you can fulfill your deepest personal needs, aspirations, and goals.
-To get a sense of your self-esteem, think of someone you fully respect, trust, and believe in. Now, ask yourself to what extent you hold these attitudes toward yourself.
Source: The anxiety & Phobia Workbook-Edmund J. Bourne.
Photo by Isabela Kronemberger on Unsplash